We began operations in Argentina in 1999 and we are now the segment leaders. We serve a wide range of clients, all of them highlights in the respective areas: telecommunications, finance, health care, retail, public administration and more.
Better experiences add a sharper competitive edge to your business.
We began operations in Argentina in 1999 and we are now the segment leaders. We serve a wide range of clients, all of them highlights in the respective areas: telecommunications, finance, health care, retail, public administration and more.
Pres. Arturo Illia 829/843 – Provincia de Chaco – CP 3500 || 9 de julio 565, Presidente Roque Saenz Peña – Provincia de Chaco – CP 3700
View mapWe have for 12 consecutive years been listed as one of the best companies to work for (from 2007 to 2019).
One of the ten best workplaces for women with over 1,000 employees in Argentina.
Silver trophy for the case “Movistar Near You” (Customer Service, B2C, category).
Gold trophy for the case “GM-Atento – Social media pilots” (Organization Strategy – B2C), bronze trophy for the case “Attention Training Simulator” (Best Internal Operation, B2E).
Silver trophy for the case “Movistar SOS Data – Movistar” (Best Third-Party Business Operation – B2C) , bronze trophy for the case “We make your business a success ” (Organization Strategy: Telesales/B2B).
Gold trophy for the case “Support for Movistar’s e-commerce (B2C Sales campaigns and programs); Silver: Movistar – Blending Back Office (Customer Service B2C) and GM-Atento “Social media pilots” (Customer Service B2C.
Recognized with the most prestigious award in Argentina, the National Quality Award, in the large service companies category. It is the only CX solutions company to receive the distinction.
Gold trophy for “Telefonica em linha” (Outsourced Operations, B2C Telemarketing), silver trophy for “Movistar APV Atendimento remoto” (B2C Technological Contribution), silver trophy for “Movistar – um plano que se adapta a você” (Organizational B2C Customer Service Strategy).
Silver trophy for the case “Telefonica na linha” (Telemarketing, B2B Customer Service), silver trophy for the case “Movistar APV Atendimento remoto” (Telemarketing, B2C Customer Services), bronze trophy for “Movistar SMEs cada cliente, uma pessoa”, (Telemarketing, B2B Customer Services).
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