COVID-19 Hotline

Equitable Vaccination Distribution & Scheduling.


Scheduling COVID-19 vaccines requires innovative and bold collective actions from government to reach out vulnerable people.


  • Atento created one solution to address this challenge: Equitable Vaccination Distribution & Scheduling, supported by Atento@home.
  • The State of Maryland was able to easily handle the increased incoming calls volume while also reaching out residents to help them out with scheduling appointments.
  • Technology empowered this solution by leveraging on messaging integration, real-time analytics, and digital agents combined with call center agents. And most important: following the HIPAA guidelines.
  • This service is enabled by Atento@home, a secure, cloud-native solution that facilitates access to specialized talent to work safely from home.


  • 1.5M residents served on a monthly basis
  • 60% interactions handled on digital channels, freeing calls for those who needed human interaction.
  • 99% calls answered
  • 94% CSAT Rating


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