Salesforce implementation for Enhanced Courier Services

Digitizing Courier Interactions for a Leading Service Provider


  • Minimize low-value interactions concerning order tracking.
  • Elevate customer experience for more impactful calls.


  • Minimize low-value interactions concerning order tracking.
  • Elevate customer experience for more impactful calls.


  • Roll out an omnichannel BOT solution, specifically for delivering automated order statuses.
  • Real-time shipping status automation.
  • Allow customers to self-manage undelivered packages due to signature requirements.
  • Incorporate satisfaction surveys through open-text feedback.
  • Voice and text-based self-service solution avenues.


  • Roll out an omnichannel BOT solution, specifically for delivering automated order statuses.
  • Real-time shipping status automation.
  • Allow customers to self-manage undelivered packages due to signature requirements.
  • Incorporate satisfaction surveys through open-text feedback.
  • Voice and text-based self-service solution avenues.


  • A staggering 82% of inquiries pertained to order status, of which 87% were efficiently handled by technology.
  • A minor 3% of unresolved queries stemmed from unsatisfactory operator responses.


  • A staggering 82% of inquiries pertained to order status, of which 87% were efficiently handled by technology.
  • A minor 3% of unresolved queries stemmed from unsatisfactory operator responses.


  • Successful management of 150k calls monthly.
  • An impressive 87% resolution rate, attained by focusing on predominant issue typologies, resulting in highly efficient development.


  • Successful management of 150k calls monthly.
  • An impressive 87% resolution rate, attained by focusing on predominant issue typologies, resulting in highly efficient development.



High value voice support for luxury vehicles and trucks

Improving agents’ performance for the Born Digital champion

CX innovation to delight e-commerce clients

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