B2B Collections

Compassionate, high-skilled agents, supported by predictive models and speech analytics, design tailored strategies to maximize collection initiatives for business clients.

Our specialized approach ensures effective debt recovery while maintaining good relationships with creditors.

Compassionate, high-skilled agents, supported by predictive models and speech analytics, design tailored strategies to maximize collection initiatives for business clients.

Our specialized approach ensures effective debt recovery while maintaining good relationships with creditors.

Proven Results

Achieved an 80% increase in payment promises
60% effective payment rate
25% increase in customer portfolio
Golden Ball Award for best recovery partner

Our Approach: How We Drive Results

Customer Journey

Capabilities: Our Comprehensive Toolkit

Customer Engagement:

  • Our team is specialized in debt recovery management, leveraging digital channels for enhanced engagement.
  • We use journey mapping, customer profiling, UX design, and conversational brand personas to create meaningful debtor interactions.


  • We utilize mailing enrichment, clustering analysis, and collection scores to optimize debt recovery strategies.
  • We use data science to analyze company behaviors and geographical trends to improve performance KPIs.

AI Technologies:

  • We deploy natural language processing (NLP) and voice/text bots to handle debtor interactions efficiently.
  • We Automate data extraction processes to ensure accurate and timely information retrieval.

Intelligent Automation:

  • We implement RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and BPMS (Business Process Management Systems) to streamline workflows and enhance operational efficiency.

Why Choose Atento?

High-Skilled Agents

High-Skilled Agents:

Our agents, with account manager profiles, guarantee relevant negotiation options for customers.

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-Time Monitoring:

Sustainability and performance groups monitor collections strategies in real time, ensuring KPI adherence.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management:

Reduce portfolio rolling and offer other financial products to maintain active customer relationships.

Get Started Today

Transform your debt recovery strategy with Atento's B2B Collections solutions.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reduce bad debt, maintain active customers, and maximize your results with innovative, performance-driven approaches.

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