
This is where you will find
the latest news from Atento.

Press Releases

Atento CEO, Dimitrius Oliveira Named Among Top 25 Most Influential Consulting Leaders of 2024

Oliveira’s leadership drives Atento to the forefront of BTO, supported by its CX Consulting division and a strong focus on technology, innovation, ope…

Atento appoints Idalia García as new Commercial and Marketing Director in Mexico

MEXICO CITY, December 05, 2024. Atento Luxco 1 ("Atento" or the "Company"), one of the world's largest providers of customer relationship management a…

Atento focuses on hyper-personalization and hyper-automation offerings aligned with consumer expectations

From personalization to hyper-personalization and from automation to hyper-automation of the customer journey, the future of CX is all about predictio…

Atento Reaffirms Leadership in Frost & Sullivan’s Ranking as a Leader in CX Management in 2024

The company excels in the innovation and growth matrices by offering CX transformation solutions and demonstrating its innovation capabilities. Mad…

João Pedro Flecha de Lima joins Atento Brasil as commercial vice president

The executive has more than 30 years of experience in leading large finance, consulting and technology multinationals. Flecha de Lima takes on the …

Atento Transforms Healthcare with Cutting-Edge CX Solutions like Omnichannel Fluidity and Data-Driven Automation

The combination of advanced technology and human touch drives satisfaction, loyalty, and results for the healthcare industry. State-of-the-art techn…