Atento Moves Contact Center to The Cloud

As cloud technologies began to demonstrate immediate benefits upon implementation and pandemic changes required people to work remotely, Atento knew it was time to move to the cloud. 

Our client is a crypto financial service serving as the official exchange provider. In our evaluation process, we searched for the best partner to deliver the seamless experience cryptocurrency users expect.


  • Difficulty updating on-premises platform
  • Lack of integration with other systems
  • Difficulty supporting client SLAs


  1. Offer a powerful cloud-contact center that supports end consumers while providing a better agent experience
  2. Deliver an integrated multichannel experience, including voice, chat, email, and SMS
  3. Search for the best technology partner to interconnect with other local BPOs
  4. Establish a stable platform that exceeds our SLA commitments


  • 155 workstations active within a week
  • Organized traffic rerouting and segmentation to 3 local BPOs in 4 days
  • A stable platform that sustains our clients’ growth

Learn how Atento chose the right partner by downloading this case study

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