Back Office Auto Loans

Reduce lead-time and eliminate errors in auto loan processes


A major private financial institution that operates in the auto loan industry for cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, machinery, among other, through an extensive network of over 20,000 partners composed by resellers and dealers in Brazil. As one of the strongest sectors within the financial segment in Brazil, the auto loan process has the challenge of reducing delays and errors occurred when processing large volumes of documents. To stand out among other players in this industry, this institution was looking forward to improve processes, reduce backlog and deliver higher-quality services.


Atento Back Office solution was created to guarantee the efficiency in electronic documents management and safety in the client’s information handling, which represents more than 200,000 annual auto loan processes. The process defined in accordance with the bank, made Atento responsible for request all the needed information to the automated loan processes, after receiving the documents, they are scanned and registered into an electronic management system for the specialized team to analyze and subsequently issue them.

After the transaction approval, contracts are signed by a legal representative of the bank and are sent to DETRAN (State Transit Department) and to Registering Offices to create the auto document. After returning to Atento, the documents for the vehicle are sent to the customer.

Throughout the document analysis until the end of the process, the client can track all steps through various channels, such as phone, email, SMS and chat.


  • Atento’s Back Office service includes anti-fraud and information protection systems besides the generation of analytical reports to ensure total visibility over the progress of the processes in real time.
  • In just one year, the bank reported a 93% reduction in process errors.
  • The lead time decreased by 35% and the index of complaints decreased by 56%.


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