Media &

Lights, Camera, Customer Satisfaction: Elevate Your Entertainment CX

Atento’s deep understanding of the media and entertainment industry lets us craft top-tier customer experiences that are fit for the stars. Our solutions, from Digital Customer Care to Cross-selling and Up-selling, cater to the unique demands of streaming services, gaming platforms, live events, and more. Partnering with us means leveraging advanced analytics, automation, and personalized engagement strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and drive growth.

Media & Entertainment Industry Trends

The Rise of Streaming Services:
With increased demand for streaming content, companies focus on providing a seamless user experience across multiple platforms.
We offer omnichannel support to ensure consistent and integrated customer service across all platforms.
AI and Machine Learning Magic:
AI and machine learning are transforming how users experience and discover content.
Atento leverages AI to provide tailored customer interactions, improving engagement and satisfaction.
Demand for Real-Time Customer Support:
With live events and gaming rising, instant customer support is a must.
We provide 24/7 support, ensuring your audience gets the help they need whenever they need it.
Data Security Spotlight:
Ensuring data security and privacy is paramount with increasing user data.
Atento employs best-in-class security measures to protect customer data and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
Personalized Customer Experiences:
Customers expect interactions catering to their preferences and needs.
Through advanced analytics, we deliver personalized customer experiences that drive loyalty and satisfaction.
The Rise of Streaming Services:
With increased demand for streaming content, companies focus on providing a seamless user experience across multiple platforms.

We offer omnichannel support to ensure consistent and integrated customer service across all platforms.
AI and Machine Learning Magic:
AI and machine learning are transforming how users experience and discover content.

Atento leverages AI to provide tailored customer interactions, improving engagement and satisfaction.
Demand for Real-Time Customer Support:
With live events and gaming rising, instant customer support is a must.

We provide 24/7 support, ensuring your audience gets the help they need whenever they need it.
Data Security Spotlight:
Ensuring data security and privacy is paramount with increasing user data.

Atento employs best-in-class security measures to protect customer data and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
Personalized Customer Experiences:
Customers expect interactions catering to their preferences and needs.

Through advanced analytics, we deliver personalized customer experiences that drive loyalty and satisfaction.


Discover our success stories

How we can help


  • Sales Support: Boost your sales with expert support.
  • Digital Sales: Drive online sales through effective strategies.
  • B2B Sales: Enhance business relationships and close deals.

Customer Experience: 

  • Customer Service: Provide exceptional service to your customers.
  • First Line Technical Support: Resolve technical issues efficiently.
  • Upselling: Increase revenue through strategic upselling.
  • Payment Issues Management: Handle payment-related queries smoothly.
  • Onboarding New Users: Ensure a seamless onboarding process for new customers.


  • Loyalty Programs Management: Strengthen customer loyalty with targeted programs.
  • CSAT Surveys: Gather valuable feedback to improve services.


  • Invoicing and Billing: Manage invoicing and billing with precision.
  • Payment Receipts Handling: Ensure timely and accurate payment processing.

Media & Entertainment
Customer Journey + Atento Solutions

Partner with Atento for a Blockbuster CX

Media & Entertainment Customer Journey + Atento Solutions

Partner with Atento for a Blockbuster CX

Communication & Media

Ready to make your CX a showstopper?

Contact us today, and let's create the next big hit together!
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