Christmas message from Atento’s CEO
Hi all,
We are close to the end of 2020, a complicated year for all humanity. I am optimistic, and now even more as the COVID vaccine has been approved in several countries and it seems we can start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We will soon see the number of infection cases decrease, and little by little we will all return to normality, and we will be able to meet and hug each other in person.
However, at Atento we remain very cautious and continue to improve prevention measures, both on our sites and in our personal lives, keeping our priorities of protecting the health of our employees and providing a five-star customer service.
Definitely, 2020 has been a year of many changes and in our case, we had three key changes:
- Redefinition of our company values
- Operating model (operations, sales, finance, …)
- Shareholders and board members
Changes that we have been able to implement in a timely manner, thanks to all of you. With dedication and commitment, embracing Atento’s values and actively participating in changes to the operating model to deliver the best service to our clients.
Thanks to all of you we have been able to achieve positive results, even in adverse situations such as the pandemic.
Thanks to all of you, we have been able to support our clients by offering a first-class CX, increasingly supported by our Next Generation Services.
We have put Next Generation Services and innovation at the focus of our strategy:
- We have launched our global portfolio of Next Generation Services, with highly competitive and technological products.
- NGS already represent more than half of our sales, providing greater added value to our customers and, as a consequence, allowing us to obtain better margins.
And we won´t stop. In 2021 we will continue developing products to continue at the forefront of innovation. For example, we believe that our startup incubator, AtentoNext, will give us the opportunity to explore new growth options for our portfolio of services.
Another example is Atento@home, which began as an emergency solution and in 2021 will be released with an updated version focused on advanced security systems, even surpassing our competitor´s solutions in some aspects.
We have carried out very relevant transformations that help us be much more efficient. Among them, I would like to highlight:
- The space planning program for our sites
- The deployment of our centers of excellence in all regions
- Promoting the digitization of our operations, such as training, recruiting, and improving quality processes through the Digital Voice project.
- And many more
We have boosted our digital marketing:
- With the launch of our new website, highlighting our products and solutions and turning it into a contact tool for potential customers.
- Positioning #OneAtento in the market, and executing our first digital campaigns.
- Carrying out webinars for clients and prospects, and producing innovative content such as the CX (Customer eXperience) magazine, which have made us recognized by Everest as a Star Performer in the Latin American region.
And if that wasn’t enough, we obtained excellent results in the customer satisfaction survey, achieving the best NPS (Net Promoting Score) in Atento’s history. We are sure that we are on track to not only recover pre-COVID levels, but continue to grow, and kick off 2021 from a better starting point and with great prospects.
To conclude, I hope that this year, although complicated, leaves us with the memory of the positive things that we have achieved, as well as all the improvements that we have put in place, both at a professional and at a personal level. I would also like to send a very special memory for all those colleagues who passed away this year, as well as for their relatives and friends. This Christmas we will have all of them in mind.
As for myself, I feel very grateful and fortunate to have a great team at Atento. And I’m sure that in 2021 we will have even more things to celebrate.
I hope you spend a happy holiday with your loved ones.
Carlos Lopez-Abadía.