Data-Driven Collections Enhancement

Tapping into data insights to improve collection recovery rates and agent efficiency


  • Boost collection recovery rates.
  • Augment agent effectiveness and productivity.


  • Boost collection recovery rates.
  • Augment agent effectiveness and productivity.


  • Introduced a comprehensive analytics solution to delve deep into agent interactions within voice channels.
  • Rethought our approach to customer engagement and reshuffled our prioritization criteria.
  • Set in motion a fresh collections framework.
  • Armed agents with the tools and insights crucial for meeting their performance benchmarks.


  • Introduced a comprehensive analytics solution to delve deep into agent interactions within voice channels.
  • Rethought our approach to customer engagement and reshuffled our prioritization criteria.
  • Set in motion a fresh collections framework.
  • Armed agents with the tools and insights crucial for meeting their performance benchmarks.


  • Initiated an automated system to identify the core reason for calls.
  • Crafted tailored offers for specific audience groups, taking into consideration their financial standing.
  • Successful negotiation tactics were shared widely among agents, promoting a culture of collective learning.
  • Adapted and fine-tuned scripts based on proven success stories.
  • Training materials underwent frequent updates, reflecting the latest insights and best practices.
  • Implemented speech analysis to pinpoint and address behavioral shifts that could adversely impact performance metrics or adherence to guidelines.


  • Initiated an automated system to identify the core reason for calls.
  • Crafted tailored offers for specific audience groups, taking into consideration their financial standing.
  • Successful negotiation tactics were shared widely among agents, promoting a culture of collective learning.
  • Adapted and fine-tuned scripts based on proven success stories.
  • Training materials underwent frequent updates, reflecting the latest insights and best practices.
  • Implemented speech analysis to pinpoint and address behavioral shifts that could adversely impact performance metrics or adherence to guidelines.


  • Marked a significant 63% increase in the formalized agreement count.
  • Saw a 64% rise in the conversion rate (successful recoveries per call answered).
  • Cut down the fraction of customers reluctant to entertain a proposal by 65%.
  • Uplifted the Service Quality KPI by a notable 5%.
  • Recorded a 56% increase in the adoption of compelling arguments known to resonate with customers.


  • Marked a significant 63% increase in the formalized agreement count.
  • Saw a 64% rise in the conversion rate (successful recoveries per call answered).
  • Cut down the fraction of customers reluctant to entertain a proposal by 65%.
  • Uplifted the Service Quality KPI by a notable 5%.
  • Recorded a 56% increase in the adoption of compelling arguments known to resonate with customers.



Transforming the customer experience through talent acquisition, people development and brand assimilation.

Elevating CX through technology and human talent

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